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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  September 20, 2017 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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problem off the table for a long time. as problematic as iran's deal is now it will be far harder to deal with if we had nuclear weapons. at least we've taken that off the table. we need to keep the deal in place because it's making us more secure. >> an interesting case. all right tony blaine ken thank you very much. i appreciate your time. "ac 360" starts now. this is cnn breaking news. >> good evening breaking news up and down the line, including not limited to hurricane maria, in a race to fine survivors, the earthquake that did this to mexico city. dozens of buildings came down like that, some were schools. the latest on the efforts, some of it brick by brick, hand to hand to save lives. young and old. what one volunteer call scenes of chaos and hope. also the hurricane and its
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rampage through the caribbean and across puerto rico. as one man in st. croix put it you felt like a wild animal trying to get to your house. moments ago we got the newest and best pictures of where the storm will strike next, including possibly the u.s. mainland. tom slater joins us from the weather center with that. where's at it? >> to show you where it's going let's go back 24 hours. at this time yesterday when we were talking yesterday, at midnight it was 175 miles per hour winds. breaking now is the 10 strongest in atlantic base history. making landfall it's 1016 tmg in the morning taking out radar systems. and 22 of the 21 observation sites. we're not sure how strong this was.
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we believe it was two miles per hour away from the category 5 strength. now that it's offshore, rapid development in the isowe can have a pinpoint center and track from there. taking it away from the turks and caicos but pretty close. and then the computer models only go so far. as they have it as a category 3, they're believing that in day four or five, come this weekend it's undergo some sheer meaning winds will tear the system down. i think with the rabbit eye occurring it could see category 4 status. our uncertainty takes you have off the coast of south carolina but we can go farther than that. first and foremost, besides the sheer it's important to know that we're going to get out of those upper 80s oceans temperatures through the mid-80s, low 80s and towards the 70s. to really understand it you got to go back and look at the track
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of jose. this is the longest living tropical system we've had since 1980s and it's still spinning off the coast of the northeastern in the u.s. high pressures to the west of it, high pressures to the east. it's sandwiched in between those two so it has nowhere to go. let's look at the pressure. we believe that we can see the system and maria can shut towards of the outer bank and hug the coastline. if high pressure loses its grip it can slide away from the u.s. let's take a look at the europe models and the u.s. when we put these next to each other you get an idea of where we're watching. as we slide these through you're going to be able to see there's pretty much good agreement here but both of them are going to hug that coastline. the g fs, the u.s. model made up of 21 separate models alone. that's important to know.
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we're not sold on this just yet. there's a lot to unfold. we are better at forecasting the track than we are the intensity but this time around it's a little far out to say we're going to have this system effect us. >> it's too many days. just to be clear where is it now? >> right now you can see a new eye that's developing, the rain, last parts of the dominican republic. tornadoes still possible in puerto rico, some of the islands, st. croix and thomas didn't hit pretty bad. the winds are down to 110 miles per hour that makes it a category 2. the waters are extremely warm. i think what we're finding is the storm surge. in the turks and caicos it's expected to be higher. that means the storm is still gaining strength. with the slope of the ocean floor they're susceptible. i think it'll stay way from the turks and caicos at least 50
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miles. >> so if you could just take us back and show us those american and the european model just to try to get a sense of where it might go to the u.s. and again i know it's a long way out. and also what's the time line of it getting towards the u.s. >> all right let's take a look at it again. i'll go to the floor for this because there is where we have these models. again, blue is the european. it'll kind of pick up its speed. in the northeast that's still jose, spending around. it was much like harvey was in texas but this time it's dropping in water instead of over land. if it makes its way toward the outer banks we're talking late sunday toward monday, then we're talking early next week into early tuesday. these models go out at least in the middle of the week but still too close for comfort right now. it's more than beach eroding and
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flooding. >> all right. tom slater appreciate that. it's one thing to see a major hurricane on the map, it's another thing entirely to see one up close. so many people tonight have that in more to contend with. randy k. with more. >> reporter: there was no mistaking the force of maria as t slammed puerto rico. >> this is the most devastating storm either in the industsuper fee or in modern history. >> reporter: first, came the winds. >> we are getting absolutely pounded here, that northern eye wall is about to come through here. constant wind. it's screaming and stuff hitting the building, we hear glass
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breaking. we are definitely definitely in a dangerous situation. >> reporter: then the water. an eyewitness captured these floods waters as they rushed through the streets of an island located on puerto rico's caribbean coast. one visitor shot this video from the floor of his holt room. >> we received 35 inches of rain which means the whole area, a lot of the -- and that's a dangerous situation. >> reporter: this video outside an apartment building shows how bad the flooding is. a traveling tennis coach staying at a hotel in san juan with about 200 people posted this an instagram. the power was out he said, and the generator they'd been counting on failed. the water was coming up from the
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lagoon. he told cnn the water was coming up on the lobby so we had to move to higher floors. the wind and rain so strong at times, gusting to 165 miles per hour residence in puerto rico were forced to stay inside, never daring to open a door or window. all of this after the monster storm devastated much of the caribbean, including st. croix and dominica, with the fear of where it's headed next. randy k., cnn, new york. i want to bring in from puerto rico, take a look. now from -- layla's on her feet.
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now from san juan. leyla what are you seeing? >> reporter: we're still saying rain and gusts of winds coming down every now and then. really, it's dark, not because it's nighttime but because there is no power on this island. power is a major issue. the other big issue right now, anderson, is communication. as i've been talking to people on the street those are sort of the big questions, do you have power, do you have generator then it's do you have a signal. a lot of people still trying to gethold of loved ones. there was a 6:00 p.m., curfew put in place by the governor and yet i still see people walking back and forth and they are either trying to get to their homes, trying to get to loved ones or just in awe, in disbelief of the damage that
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maria has left behind. it was powerful when everyone sort of felt safe enough and come out and see things like what is directly behind me. this roof that came down on the street that's blocking the street. what we're seeing on a lot of roads, either flooding or things like this. i talked to one neighbor who told me when this came down she thought it was the entire building that came down. when i asked people where did this roof come from, no one has been able to tell me where it actually came from, how far it traveled before it came down here. people have sort of had this -- almost like a dazed look, disbelief as they make their way out and see store fronts with signed ripped off, with windows broken, palm trees with little left on top. it was sort of surreal to see what happened in a matter of 24 hours. we woke up this morning to this sort of ominus hum and the building shaking from those
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winds, you saw as i struggled to stand ground during the toughest parts of hurricane maria. so what's next, okay the governor has sent out a crew of rescue team, now the rebuilding begins. but that will come after damage assessment. and the rebuilding part of it anderson, we've talked about this part before, this is an island with that other storm glooming over the financial crisis, $70 billion in debt. so financially puerto rico cannot afford to rebuild on its own. >> hey, leyla any word on why it's going to be so long without power? >> reporter: right, so the power system here, because of what i just mentioned, because of the the economic crisis has really lacked maintenance. it was vulnerable before irma even arrived.
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so irma came through, after hurricane irma, puerto rico did not see the damage or devastation of much of the caribbean. so, before hurricane maria arrived, much of the power had been restored. but there was still maybe 600,000 people without power going into hurricane maria. you take the fact there was already people without power. this is a vulnerable system that han been invested in for years. it was a problem for months before hurricane irma and maria was created in the ocean. that complains where we are today without power. up next we'll take you to a scene that seems like can't be imagined as parents wait for word. later big news in the russian investigation. counsel reaching into the white house focusing specific on the
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president looking for information. details ahead on "360." i'm ryan and i quit smoking with chantix. i tried to quit cold turkey. i tried to quit with the patch; that didn't work. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. for me, chantix worked. it reduced my urge to smoke. compared to the nicotine patch, chantix helped significantly more people quit smoking. when you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking or allergic and skin reactions which can be life-threatening. stop chantix and get help right away if you have any of these. tell your healthcare provider if you've had depression or other mental health problems. decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery.
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they were in collapsed. that number includes will remember children. cnn's reporter joins us from the seine. what's the latest there tonight? >> reporter: hi anderson, you're looking over my shoulder, that is the scene of the collapsed part of the school where rescue workers are continuing to work into the night. there's a bit of a confusing scene, there's mixed reports of what's going on inside that rubble and official reports haven't come out. then we're also hearing from mexican television station reporting that perhaps there was a young girl still in the rubble but rescue workers have made contact with her. all of that we're still trying to decipher, nothing official yet. it's clear the workers continue to get inside the rubble and find anyone who still might be
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alive. it's not until you stabbed this close to the collapsed school building that the horrific reality of this scene sinks in. we weave our way in and around the hundred of rescue workers descended upon this school to save anyone who might be trapped inside the rubble. this is the area where crews have been working for the last 24 hours trying to pull out survivors. look at the impact here of the building, crushing that car there. you can see owl of the work rs that have been here for more than 24 hours now trying to find survivors. this is the school where several dozen children were killed as the building collapsed down to the ground here. speaking quietly, a lot of crews have been working and trying to hear for sounds of people inside the building. we're told there might be a young girl they believe the s still alive inside.
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in the courtyard area of the school hundreds of workers are moving debris away from the school under adaner that says unity creates strength. then a whistle cuts through the air j everyone stops. notice silence. this gives rescue teams crawling through the structure the chance to listen for survivors. the work inside the building is treacherous. wooding pillars have been brought in to fort fie wlags left of the school. hector says his team arrived on the scene an hour after the school collapsed, and the 70-year-old volunteer believers more people will be pulled out alive. do you think you'll be able to find children alive in there? >> yes, the children the most time they got more chance than we adult people. >> reporter: you think so, even
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a day after? >> yeah. there will -- they want to be alive. and i know that. >> reporter: dramatic scenes are unfolding on the street surrounding the school grounds. that's where we found a collection of names together on paper and clear tape. this is where danelle casares and a team of volunteers help people names of track of kids that was inside the school. >> the white one was the people dead. >> reporter: most of the building surrounding the school withstood the force of the earthquake, only this portion caders in on itself. rescue workers vowed to continue the search as long as it takes. >> and will the rescue efforts continue throughout the night? do they have lights and -- >> reporter: yeah anderson,
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we're looking here right now. the light just came on. hopefully the rain stays away. obviously great concern about -- you don't get the sense any of these people will be leaving. we were there closer tonight, around anderson, several hours ago. surreal to be standing if the courtyard of that school. you can hear the muffles of the rescuers as they were crawling through there trying to see if there was anybody alive. >> just heart breaking difficult work. ed thanks. spoke with christopher edward for the humanitarian group, he rode out the quake. explain where you are right now and what's going on? >> i'm a little bit in the far south of the city, the corner of
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loss montes and we're at an area where there was about a six-story building come down. we've got cranes still holding up the roof. it's just a concentration of volunteers around but there's not allowing any civilians to go in. you have to have the specific training or be part of the military to be able to go in right now. >> do think think there are people trapped in the rubble still? >> they do have the suspicion that there are. they're just collecting smaller shovels where they can get into tighter places and they're putting up another crane right now to help stabilize the roof. >> i heard you say that in terms of rescue efforts it's been what you call between chaos and hope. can you explain what you mean by that? >> yeah, i think the chaos first comes because there's so many people in such a large city, it's not just one concentrated
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area it's all over. i say we were playing marco polo earlier. people would name a street and that area and people would run towards that street and area. and when we get there, okay there's too many people so they had to go to the next place. and the hopes of hearing stories of people coming out. getting stories and seeing the response from different people. people from organizations, different backgrounds coming out and pull strength. in everything that they do whether it's giving food, happing for the dogs, helping get people out, moving things along. there's a lot of hope whether you see people like that in such devastation. >> christopher, can you turn your camera around and show us what you're seeing and explain what you're looking at? >> yeah, so just over the top of the red roof right here you see three cranes sticking up holding the roof up.
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there's a guy up on the third crane attaching some stuff to the rooftop sustaining it. that roof or building holds a lot of solar powers and suer water heaters. and just around us you see all the volunteers here waiting to see what they can do. a lot of them are handing out water, bringing tools, waiting to see in what way they can respond. >> these volunteers, is somebody asking them to come or are they just coming on their own? >> they're just coming on their own for the most part. that's been one of the issues with the chaos, because we even saw some stuff earlier this morning on the social media sites, saying, hey wait before you come. if you're not already in the area don't bring extra traffic. it was making everything congested. it took us close to 3 1/2 hours to get to an area from the south of the city, usually wen it had
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take an hour. it took us almost three hours to get back. >> you also described rescue efforts was a bit like marco polo, how do you mean that game? >> just, in my mind it's like you're blindfolded and don't know where to go, you're waiting to hear the name of a street or building or neighborhood and people are here and they just take off running to go to find that area. it's kind of a hit and miss, whether your needed there or not. it's kind of like a fall alarm where people say go to this area, we go there and it's nothing wrong. it's close to 3500 people a -- 500 people aruf to the area and it's a false alarm. we need people in this area. >> christopher, thank you for taking the time to talk to us. what special council is seeking from robert pler in the
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breaking news tonight,
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special counsel robert muellers runner investigation. his questirequest lays out inci including the firing of michael flynn and jaime comey. the team is interested in this meeting, the -- according to the "new york times" president trump told them firing comey relieved great pressure on him. we should point out "the washington post" also had the story in another development tonight. it said then trump campaign chairman offered to -- carol joins me now. she broke both the stories. is there any way to interpret mueller seeking documents about president trump's own action other than now he's
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investigating the president himself? >> there's no surprise he's investigating the president. back in the spring we talked about the fact that, and i believe the po"post "broke this story as well. mueller after being appointed was looking into when the president has -- so it makes sense these are the records as we reported today that mueller is seeking from the white house. it's taking a while for him to get them but it covers the topic we describe. many of them have to do with the president's internal private investigation. why did i fire comey, what did he tell aids. what did he do and say when he learned the white house has been warned about an investigation.
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>> there must have been a lot of internal discussion because there was a big gap in time between when he learned about his national security adviser, michael flynn, when -- you know when the white house was informed about what he had done, and when he was actually fired. it wasn't until there was reporting on it i believe from "the washington post" that he actually got fired. there's got to be a lot of, whether it's documented or just verbal communication between white house officials. do you have any sense of whether the white house will give mueller everything he wants? there's a long history and desire for the white house and for presidents to be able to, you know, to have some privilege. >> absolutely. and you know, we've seen a bit of this debate going back and forth. the white house lawyer whose managing turning over these records, ty cob, has been trying
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the best they can to shovel over these records. it takes a while to get them. as well, there's an internal debate which is complicated by the fact that the white house counsel, dan mcbegan is also a witness in this case. remember that don has to make a decision about privilege here or will be interested in that subject, who what do we turn over, what shouldn't we turn over. and also he's a witness because he was the person who was warned in jan by the deputy attorney general that flynn has not disclosed and had been dishonest about his conversation with officials. this could be comprising to a natural security adviser especially if that adviser hasn't told the truth to the president about what we just reported. >> it also brinks attention to a reporter who heard ty cob in d.c. talking about this whole issue and mentioning that the
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white house counsel has something in a safe. obviously, i assume mueller haven't read that and would be interested in knowing what he's talking about. can you just briefly explain who this -- is and why it's so unusual manafort was making this offer? >> this was a very startling development for the simple reason, you can complicate it with a lot of russian names. but the simple story here actually anderson, is that the chairman of the now president's, presidential campaign, donald trump's campaign was offering weeks before trump was named the gop nominee for president, was offering to a russian also lie of the vladimir putin special private information about the campaign. sort of a back door. if we want to talk and want to know special information we can accommodate him, was essentially
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the phrase that paul manafort, the former chairman said to an also lie. that's sort of striking because it shows someone is very willing to great an opportunity in one of the most important campaigns in the country for a russian to get special access. i don't think anybody offered any reporters, i don't think paul manafort offered any reporters any private briefings at the time. so it's very striking. paul manafort was a consulting contractor if you will for this russian, and he was seeking to get paid unpaid gets from him and other people. and so that's a very different interest than representing the country and representing a candidate. >> when you spell it out, it is just extraordinary to think about that. carroll if you can stay with us. i want to bring in david guerrero began and jeffrey.
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jeff, when you have a special council asking for documents from the white house do they get all the documents they want? >> well you brought up the lunch that was overheard by the reporter, it's what they were talking about, how cooperative do they want to be with these requests from the special counsel. at one level, apparently ty cob and john dowed want to say look we have nothing to hide. don mcbegan, they want to fight on some of these issues. this has come up in every investigation of the warehouse. the clinton white house wound up fighting stars -- kenneth star's investigation over what they had to produce. and it certainly would be -- there would be grounds for disagreement. most of the time the court side
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with prosecutors, most of the time prosecutors -- the executive privilege narrowly. these are hard questions and i wouldn't be surprised to see these in court. >> david, there are several reports, how worried would you be if you are an also lie of the president tonight in the white house? >> as soon as i heard there were 13 different categories that mueller was demanding information from the white house, you immediately thought this probe is wounding beyond immediately what we understood and its clearly deepened. i think this deepens the sense that they're doing everything they can to see what evidence there is under obstruction of justice. we don't know how much evidence they have, or how much is there. ill tell you one big different, one problem for the prosecutors that did not have watergate, is
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that there are no tapes of the president's conversation of what happens in the oval office. that makes it harder sometimes to collect the evidence you need. >> but, what there are are e-mails, which did not exist in water gate -- >> not the president's e-mails. >> not the president, he doesn't e-mail and we can draw our own conclusions about why he doesn't. but he -- that remember is how we found out about donald trump jr.'s meetings with the russians. the e-mails could well be a very good source of information. plus, you have the national security wiretaps. you have paul mand ford who we know now is wiretapped. any connections, the russians are wiretapped all the time by the nsa. that could be a proper source for mueller's team to look into. >> it's true. but absent, i think the e-mails do give investigators a trail
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but it's not clear that -- it's not clear they're going to find at the end of that trail something that they need to build a case. i think it would be a jack ass who'd start writing down the conversations of the oval office. >> i was thinking about two weeks ago we wrote a story about the exchanges between different communication directors and press secretaries about what we're going to say about the firing of comey. you may remember the white house staff conferring because they knew the president was moving in that direction. he hasn't met with don or rod rosenstein. but those kind of ancillary aids are going to build that story and we all know how a prosecutor works. it's circles, the little people, if you will, moving in and in
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and in closer to try to figure out what the president was saying and how his story matches up with what his aids heard and wrote. >> all right guys thank you. up next more breaking news out of washington. president trump's new tweet on the last effort to repeal and replace obamacare. ♪ ♪
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breaking news, republicans to repeal and replace obamacare. trump is weighing in again on twitter tweeting quote, i would not sign gram kazdy if it did not include preexisting coverage. mcconnell's office saying they plan to hold a vote next week. does that mean they have voting
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in place? >> they doesn't. when you read his remarks he says it's its intention. their target and primary target that's been directed at the moment, senator lindsay gram and bill mccowsky meeting behind closing doors. they want to make sure alaska is not hurt by the decisions being put into place by this bill right now. now, they want to get her the information but they also want to address those concerns. what i'm being told from several sources, administrative officials, anti-republicaning working behind the scenes to crap proposals. will that be enough, anderson, it's still up in the air. that's where the focus is for both administration officials and top republicans. >> also understand senator
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mccain was asked where he stood on this bill. what did he say? >> process. process process process. they can focus as much as they want but if they don't get senator mccain along this bill fails as well. he's made clear from that july speech on the floor one he came back to now. he believes this bill should move through committee, mark up, then the floor, house and conference. his concern haves not been addressed at all. i'm told senator mccounsel made a request to the chair next year, hold a meeting, see if it will check a box. mccain making clear as of now that's not enough. still a lot of work. keep an eye on senator lindsay gram, officials telling me they're relying on that relationship to bring senator mccain along. >> and lastly, jimmy weighed in taking on the relationship
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between cassidy, explain what happened. >> there's been a lot of strange and bizarre terms. this ranks up as the top one in late night coming a key debate. when jim cassidy was coming off the berth irth of his son with heart defect. senator cassidy making clear promises in what he wanted to see in the bill. jimmy kim medical says this latest bill responsered by cast by doesn't -- >> i don't know what happened to ca cassidy but when he was on his tour he said he wants coverage for all, no discrimination based on preexisting conditions, lower premiums for middle class families and no life time caps. guess what, the new bill does none of those thing. this goo, cassidy just lied to
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my face. >> senator cassidy disagrees with that assessment. there is some truth to what jimmy kim medicil is saying rig now. a spoke to a governor for his take on this latest repeal and replace effort. so, governor we've spoken several times over the last months about this healthcare bill. is it progress in the right direction? >> no i don't think so. this is a zsh thank you take the expansion along with subsidies so people could afford to have health insurance, this is a 17% cut in that. we also know that when it comes to preexisting conditions, while a company has to provide you coverage they can charge you whatever you want, so, i don't know how meaningful that is. anderson, there was a bipartisan effort by republican and democratic governors to see we
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need to stabilize the insurance markets and we can give flexibility to the state. if you wanted to keep obamacare you could or design your own plan you could, within surgeon guard rails. these were responsible guard rails. i'd argue at the time we could deal with medicaid later as part of an entitlement reform package that could include medicare and social security because entitlements are out of control. so, anderson this is -- and we were starting to see the sun peak through a bit on republicans and democrats work together, and it's gone. i don't know whether you play ping-pong owner, this is like a ping-pong game on healthcare and the losers are the people. >> you're talking about a bipartisan approach, is that a realistic approach at this
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point? >> yeah, well smell a little bit like politics, anderson, you know. i think it does. and i don't know what's going to happen in the senate, it's going to come down on people and they have to look themselves in the mirror, and i don't want to be questioning people's motivates. there's plenty to need to be fixed with obamacare there's no question about it. but you have to do it together. there are a lot of democrats, they'll tell you it needs to be fixed. there was a movement, and still can be a movement for both parties to get together and stabilize the insurance market. the insurance companies are now beginning to say this will destabilize the ability of people to have health insurance because a lot of companies are going to pull out returning this thing, it could be slowed down. we can do medicaid later, stable
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the markets and do it together. if republicans can get that done they will be viewed as a winner, particularly if they can do it and have it be stable. >> there seems to be an effort to address a senator's bill in terms of alaska. is there anything they can do in ohio to make you come around? >> no no no, what is this like a deal, let me throw some money over here and there and let me see if we can patch it together. anderson, we're in a ping-pong match. i like ping-pong but i play it for fun, not in terms of determining how people are going to be treated. what -- why are they doing this, you know? i know that in order to have anything sustainable, i don't care what it is, civil rights, balancing budge, welfare reform, entitlement reform, tax reforms,
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you got to have both parties. and this growing notion that we can do it alone and shut people out, and it's not just republicans, the democrats did it, the town is not functioning properly anderson, and god bless them. a lot of make sure we can all do a little bit better. we all fail, but you know what? we can all do a little better. >> governor kasich, appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. jup next, an update on hurricane maria because the leader of a team flying into it right now. (honking) (beeping) we're on to you, diabetes. time's up, insufficient prenatal care. and administrative paperwork, your days of drowning people are numbered. same goes for you, budget overruns. and rising costs, wipe that smile off your face. we're coming for you too. at optum, we're partnering across the health system
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slammed puerto rico leaving everyone on the island without power as other islands brace for they hickory, centrists flying through it. joining me on the phone is flight director richard henning. where is it hurricane at this point, and what's it doing? >> well, anderson, the hurricane is just to the northwest of the puerto rican coast heading west northwest. we are at an all the attitude of 45,000 feet near the northwestern corner of puerto rico heading south. and we are picking our way through some massive thunderstorms. that have built up to 50,000 feet and higher, which means it's above the altitude of our aircraft. we're taking our time picking through the worst of this storm right now. it is blowing up significantly right now.
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you hear the word convection used a lot by meteorologists, that's a fancy word for thunderstorms. this thing has a bunch of brand-new thunderstorms that has just swarmed over the last if you hours. the center of maria is trying to reorganize again, and it has plenty of energy to work with with all these thunderstorms that are feeding in towards the center that are knocking us around pretty severely at 45,000 feet. >> have you noticed any unique patterns in this storm? >> well, just an amazing thing about this storm is its ability to intensify very, very rapidly. what we saw just east of dominica, the other day and evening was remarkable. the intensification from a cat 2 to a cat 5. and then dominica even though
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it's a small island is very mountainous. it took a beating near the core of the storm across the island. as soon as it got in the caribbean, the open waters, it rapidly intensified again to the ridiculous intensity that it had before it struck puerto rico with winds of 175 miles an hour just south of puerto rico the only reason puerto rico wasn't struck by a category 5 was it was going through the eye wall replacement cycle you hear meteorologists talking about today. that saved the southeast coast of puerto rico from getting 175-mile-an-hour winds. when people say it was only a category 4 storm, that's a pretty absurd thing to say because it obviously devastated
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the island. but it actually could have been worse because it was going through one of those cycles when it did make landfall which weakened it slightly. it broadened the wind feel, so more of puerto rico probably got 100-mile-an-hour winds than they would have if that cycle hadn't started. >> you're gathering important information from meteorologists across the country. we appreciate you and your team. up next we'll have more on hurricane maria including the latest forecast on where it might strike next. the death toll climbing in mexico as searchers race to find quake survivors. and dad. and every year, we split it equally. except for one of us. i write them a poem instead! and one for each of you too! that one's actually yours. that one. regardless, we're stuck with the bill. to many, words are the most valuable currency. last i checked, stores don't take "words." some do.
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in my lifetime, i will make sure. two natural disasters topped
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the hour. two ongoing still unfolding, rolling horror stories pla